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Agronomy V Oil Crops

Agronomy V (Oil Crops) Online Course

Learn about growing oil crops Agronomy V (Oil Crops) is a 100 hour course that encourages learners to enhance their skills and knowledge on the many different types of oil crops that are in high demand to produce a wide variety of products- from food, biofuels, cleaning products and much more. Farmers who understand crops […]


Agronomy IV (Legumes) Online Course

Learn to grow a very wide range of legumes primarily as food crops, for humans or animals with the 100 hour course on broadacre legume crops. Legumes are all members of the Fabaceae plant family which range from tall trees to vegetables and fodder plants. Legumes are some of the most important agronomic crops grown […]

Agronomy Grains

Agronomy II (Grains) Online Course

Learn to successfully grow cereals, pulses and pseudo grains! You will learn the five factors needed to grow grains profitably in this course and more: Good quality seed, with high germination rate Protect seeds against pests and disease Prepare seedbed well Adequate nutrition in soil Timely sowing – temperature, moisture and climatic conditions suitable What […]

Agronomy Root Vegetables

Agronomy III (Root Vegetables) Online Course

Do you need to learn more about growing root crops in order to increase your farms profitability or because you want to get started in a new market?  We can help with this 100 hour self paced course.  This Agronomy Root Vegetables online course will help you discover different varieties of root vegetables, learn best […]

Agronomy Jpg

Agronomy I (Broadleaf Crops) Course Online

What is agronomy? Agronomy is the growing of field crops for use as human food, animal feed, fibre, oil seed production and some industrial products. Agronomy includes crops such as wheat, and cotton but does not cover vegetable, fruit, forestry and flower crops.  This agronomy course covers specifically the production of broadleaf crops. What will […]

Farm Management Course

Advanced Certificate in Farm Management Online Course

Farming is just as much about management as it is about animal or crop production. Unfortunately in today’s world, the ability to produce a good animal or crop is no guarantee for success! Through this course, learn to analyse, diagnose, and make decisions related to management of a farm business. The courses relates to managing […]

Agriculture Industry Trends & Overview

If you are considering a career in agriculture, you will need an overview and understanding industry trends to succeed. In this blog, we’ll explain what agriculture is and why it is such an important part of our society. We’ll also look at the state of the Australian agricultural industry and explore how it has adapted […]

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