On completing all required assignments for a subject you are then entitled to sit for an examination in that subject.
NOTE: To be awarded a qualification (i.e. Advanced Certificate, Advanced Program etc.) successful completion of the exams is required. The exam is optional for certificate (100 hr) courses. However, it is recommended that you take the exam. Results are noted on your Certificate.
- Settle the exam fee – please contact Student Services for more information on current rates.
- You nominate a supervisor (e.g. invigilator) to oversee the exam. This must be a reputable person in your local community such as a police officer, Justice of the Peace, Minister of religion, school principal, Court House, bank manager, lawyer, Tertiary tutor/lecturer of Universities or Colleges, member of a professional association which has an established code of ethics, your employer, or manager of a business or organization established for more than 5 years.
- Set a date, time and place for the exam (usually held at the supervisors office). At least one week notice must be given prior to the date you wish to sit the online exam. A computer with Internet access is required. If you cannot access a computer/internet the exam may be taken as paper based.
- Gather Supervisor’s contact information (Name, Position, Contact Number and Email Address). The exam file and guidelines shall be emailed to your supervisor.
- Take the online exam at your nominated date, time and place. Exams are usually one and a half hours in duration.
- The supervisor will conduct the exam. On completion of the exam, your work must be emailed back to Student Services for marking.
- Exams are usually one and a half hours in duration.
- No breaks may be taken during the exam.
- No texts or notes are allowed in the exam (ie: they are closed book).