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How to Make a CV for Writing, Editing, and Proofreading Jobs


Although portfolios of successful writing, editing, and proofreading projects and client testimonials make a great impression, creative professionals also need a CV when applying for jobs. This document must demonstrate your education, experience, skills, and ability to perform a certain task better than your competitors. It helps to create a custom CV long-form resume for specific job or contract applications. However, the following guide outlines the fundamentals required for any unique situation.

Choose an Effective CV Template or Design

Leave bright, multi-colored designs and unusual content block styles to graphic designers or artists who want to make a CV to show off their skills. Choose instead a well-organized template or simple design that shares your information at a glance. Things like bold headings and bulleted lists help the people looking at your documents find the data they want. However, colored blocks, decorative lines, and display fonts get in the way of making the best impression.

Display Contact Information Clearly

You will never get a call back if you do not include contact information. The very top of your CV should include your full legal name, job title if applicable, phone number, email address, and any website addresses that specifically pertain to your career. For example, many writers or editors will have an online portfolio of past projects. You may also share your LinkedIn profile or related social media accounts.

No matter what, make sure all the information is accurate and active. Also, never share pages that include personal information unrelated to the application status. If your Facebook page displays examples of your work and cute cat pictures, you should leave it off. Do some work first to create a more professional portfolio.

Write a Targeted Overview

What pieces of information are most likely to help you get the job you are applying for? In one paragraph under your contact information, share an overview that includes these details. Get in keywords about your level of experience, niche focus, past projects, and goals for future career advancement. Let the potential employer or client know why you are approaching them. Keep it short and focused.

Outline Experience

The next section of a created resume includes a list of your past career experience. Start with the most recent position and then go back no more than 10 or 15 years. Share the most information about experiences most relevant to your current application.

Use this or a similar structure for each job:

• Official job title
• Company or client name
• Dates when you worked for them
• Responsibilities
• Outstanding contributions or achievements

If this part of your CV focuses more on a collection of one-time projects, list the publications, dates, and your contribution. For example, you could include a company name, the fact that you wrote a high-ranking blog post, and add a link to the content directly.

Showcase Your Education

List all post-secondary education including university degree programs, special certifications, and independent coursework. Make sure what you share is actually impressive. Very few employers care about a YouTube tutorial or fun cooking class you took at a local restaurant.

If you achieved any exceptional grades, held positions like the editor of to a school newspaper, or one accolades, add those to this section of the document.

Include Relevant Memberships and Awards

What else have you achieved that could potentially impress someone who wants to hire you as a writer, editor, or proofreader? If you are a member of the Australian Writer’s Guild, it is worth mentioning, if you only gather with some local writers once a week at the library, you should leave this information off your CV. However, These types of colloquial details can help if you are the founder or leader of a local club and have made it successful over time.

In this section of your resume, do not hesitate to add things slightly unrelated to writing or editing. If you volunteer every week at an animal shelter or organize community blood drives, this information may demonstrate your soft skills and commitment to positive action. Potential employers like that sort of thing and it could shift your CV to the top of the pile.

List Pertinent Skills

Finally, the time has come to list your skills. When you apply as a writer, editor, or proofreader, the potential employer automatically believes that you can do these things. However, there are ways to share specifics in a more attractive manner.

Some possible options depending on your abilities and job focus include:

• Ability to get top SERPs through SEO content writing
• Style and formatting with Microsoft Word
• Strategic planning of inter-office email communication

When in doubt, include more. However, carefully that every piece of information that you share to ensure it makes sense for your particular goals. You will have multiple CV options in the end if you are applying to more than one job or trying to attract different types of clients.

Triple Check Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation

No one will hire you as a professional editor, proofreader, or writer if you include typos or errors in your CV. Go over every line multiple times to ensure 100% accuracy. It may even help to trade services with a fellow writer or editor to get a fresh pair of eyes on the content.

Whether you are trying to get a full-time position or contract work, your CV or resume offers the best way for a potential employer to learn about your skills and abilities. Include all the sections listed above with only the most attractive and impressive information. This will increase your chance of landing your dream job and using your writing, editing, and proofreading skills professionally.

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