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Straight from the horses mouth…


Meg Anema our Equine Studies Tutor writes about what she believes is the value of our online Equine Studies program here at Careerline:

An old saying states that “Only one man in 10,000 knows horses, yet I meet one every day”. These words of wisdom point out that many people believe themselves to be horsemen; however, truly knowledgeable horsemen exist in far fewer numbers in the real world. Failure to heed this saying is a reason why many people fail in a horse business or career. Success in the horse industry – whether as a businessman, competitive rider, breeder, trainer, veterinarian, or any one of the multitude of careers in the horse industry – takes more than just being a horse owner or enthusiast. Having an extensive knowledge and familiarity of horses, and truly knowing horses “inside and out” is essential for success. A strong foundation in all horses-related topics ranging from basic horse care, horse handling, horse selection, horse training, horse behavior, horse breeding and general horse management is one of the keys to success in the horse industry.

The Careerline equine studies courses provide a unique opportunity for passionate individuals to gain a comprehensive foundation in equine husbandry skills and practical knowledge. At the most basic level, completing the Horse Care series courses will help horse lovers become more successful horse owners and managers. At the vocational level, completion of the program will give individuals pursuing a career in the horse industry a boost in obtaining the credentials and certification needed to be more competitive in the job market. Often, certified candidates can obtain higher pay compared to candidates lacking similar credentials as employers typically pay more for a greater level of expertise.  For everyone who has succeeded in the horse industry, hundreds more demonstrate that there may be no other business that makes it more difficult to be successful. Give yourself an edge and get the education that will undoubtedly lead to a “win” for you in the horse industry.  Regards, Meg.

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